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Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (16th Edition)[ORDER NOW] This is one of the good standard comprehensive pediatric texts.  It is probably worth getting if you will be going into family practice or primary care. I don't think that you need it if you plan to do peds because then it will be outdated by the time you practice.  You also don't need it if you are going into other specialties.

Handbooks and Pocket Guides

The Harriet Lane Handbook : A Manual for Pediatric House Officers by Michael A. Barone (Editor), Johns Hopkins Hospital Children's Medical 15th edition. [ORDER NOW] Get this one for managing patients on the pediatric wards. 

Manual of Clinical Problems in Pediatrics : With Annotated Key References (A Little, Brown Spiral Manual) by Kenneth B. Roberts [ORDER NOW]Has well written, concise reviews of most of the key topics that are covered on a pediatric rotation.  It could use more charts to summarize the material. It relies a little too much on reference lists for my taste.

Medical Dictionaries

Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary

Stedman's Medical Dictionary : Illustrated in Color (26th Ed)

Exam Review Books

StarStarStarPediatrics by National Medical Series

Pediatricsby Colombrari, Geraldine C. (Joint Author:Billings, Diane M.) Lippincott Publisher

Blueprints In Pediatrics by Marino, Bradley (With:Snead, Katie,With:Mcmillan, Julia). This is one of a series of 5 books covering the 5 big 3rd year rotations (Medicine, Pediatrics, OB/Gyn, Surgery, and Psychiatry).  They are fairly concise.  I read through the surgery edition in 2 days.  At the end of each chapter is an excellent, concise list of key points to memorize.

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