Internal Medicine Textbooks and Pocket Guides

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Saturday, December 21, 2024

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Internal Medicine Textbooks Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 17th edition: 2008 single volume . I really like this book. It practically does the write-ups for you. Buy Now! Two Volume Harrison's Set

Internal Medicine TextsHarrison's Internet Edition The most convenient desk reference in print and online includes: * 1 year subscription to Harrison's Online-fast medicine when you need it the most * Print version of Harrison's, 15/e covers more than 1,000 diseases * Must have updates and clinical trials sent to your desktop every day! * FREE bi-monthly newsletter summarizes the most recent updates * Quick Links to online resources * Self-assessment questions get you ready for recertification * More than 200 color images * Comprehensive guide to diagnosis, treatment plus pathophysiology and cardinal manifestations of disease * Advanced search capability and bookmark options.

Cecil Textbook of Medicine (22th Ed CD-ROM) by Russell L. Cecil (Editor), Fred Plum (Editor), J. Claude Bennett This is another well known and respected text covering internal medicine. The link above goes to the CD-ROM version.

Books Cecil's Textbook of Medicine 22st edition .

Cecil's Textbook of Medicine 22st edition (Textbook and CD-ROM set).

Cecil Essentials of Medicine by Russell L. Cecil (Editor), J. Claude, Md Bennett, Charles C. Carpenter, Thomas E. Andreoli

Cheap textbooks Mayo Internal Medicine Board Review 2002-2003

Handbooks and Pocket Guides

Practical Guide to the Care of the Medical Patient by Fred F. Ferri. Released 12/97.  [ORDER NOW]I just received my copy.  It's thicker than the previous version, but still well organzied.   It is great for figuring out how to work up patients with different syndromes such as CHF.  Unfortunately, unlike its predecessor, it no longer fits in my white coat pocket.

Manual of Medical Therapeutics (Little Brown Spiral Manual) aka. "The Washington Manual" [ORDER NOW]by Gregory A. Ewald, Clark, R. McKenzie (Editor)

Harrison's Textbook at the best price Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine (Handbook) 15th Editionby Anthony S. Fauci (Editor), Eugene Braunwald, Kurt J. Isselbache Now available. [ORDER NOW] Fits in your white coat pocket. Gives an abbreviated blurb about disease.

Rapid Interpretation of EKG's by Dale B. Dubin.[ORDER NOW] This book has come highly recommended to me by other 3rd year med students and current chief residents.  It takes you through EKGs in a very systematic manner.

The Complete Guide To ECGs; A Comprehensive Study  Guide To Improve ECG Interpretation Skills by O'Keefe, James. [ORDER NOW] This book teachs EKG by example.  It contain EKGs of all the major annomalies that we wwill be seeing.  Questions are also included to reinforce the material. 

The EKG Pocket Survival Guide by Masterson, Handler, Tenner, and Rothenhaus. This book, available directly from the publisher is really good if someone has already taught you the basics.  It uses the same systematic approach that is presented in  the more in depth in Dubin's EKG book.

Pathophysiology of Disease : An Introduction to Clinical Medicine (A Lange Medical Book) by Stephen J., Md McPhee, Vishwanath R., MD Lingappa [ORDER NOW]

The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy : General Medicine by Robert Berkow, Andrew J. Fletcher (Editor) -[ORDER NOW]recommended by visitors to this site.

Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 1998 (37th Ed) by Lawrence M., Md Tierney, Stephen J., MD McPhee (Editor), max Papadakis, Maxine A.  Papadakis: highly ranked by the Medical Student Cooperative.[ORDER NOW]

Drug Information Handbook by Lacy, Charles

Medical Dictionaries

Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary

Stedman's Medical Dictionary : Illustrated in Color (26th Ed)

Exam Review Books

Blueprints In ... series by Blackwell Publishing  This is  a series of 5 books covering the 5 big 3rd year rotations (Medicine, Pediatrics, OB/Gyn, Surgery, and Psychiatry).  They are concise.  I read through the surgery edition in 2 days.  At the end of each chapter is an excellent, concise list of key points to memorize. These will also come in useful when you take the USMLE 3 especially if you go into something other than Family practice.

Internal Medicine On Call, 2nd Ed. by Haist, Steven A.

StarStarStarMedicine by Myers, Allen R.

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